Saturday, June 13, 2009

Background: For every population of 100,000 people anywhere in the world there are no less than 3000 and as many as 8000 businesses. That is a statistical range – 1:33 within socialist countries and 1:13 within the democratic capitalist countries – based on populations of people and businesses in many countries throughout the world. Of that range, it seems fair to hope that there are 333 to 800 business owners (10%) who are highly ethical, generous, and successful.

These are businesses all of us should study, some should invest, and all of us can help to grow.

Let us all reward ethics, generosity, authenticity, leadership and success.

We'll all vet the Good and turn our backs to the Bad & Ugly. Since 1994 Small Business School (SBS) has been gathering recommendations of business advocates everywhere. The school is always looking for the most ethical, generous, and highly-successful business owners within every Designated Market Area (DMA) in the USA. In the new release of SBS, that search will be within every country of the world.

History. Since 1994 SBS has been working with lists of business owners who have received awards and who were loved int their community. Anywhere from 100 to 300 people would be nominated for every episode. The advocates would vote and a Top Ten would emerge. Once a person was selected to be featured, often the station and independent producers were invited to do an even better episode on the others among the Top Ten.

The financial model was always problematic.

The Future. With these announcements, that financial model is being addressed. Local business advocates will recommend, the general public will have ways to add to it, and everybody within the DMA or the country will vote. Of the 6.8 Billion people in the world, there is anywhere from 250,000,000 to 400,000,000 businesses in the world.

Let us find the best 4,000,000 businesses. Let us get 400,000 of them working on their scripts, and 4,000 of them being profiles around the world every year.

Small Business Index for Learning Companies is for best 4,000,000 businesses.

Small Business Index for Growing Companies is for best 400,000 businesses who actively help others.

Small Business Stock Market & Exchange is for the best 40,000 businesses who share their numbers and are open for equity investments.

Just think what an economic force 40,000 small and fast-growing businesses would be if they had ready access to capital to grow. Ethics and generosity, authenticity and leadership would be given a platform to grow.