Friday, February 29, 2008

The Foundations for Financial Friday

In various episodes over the years the focus has been on financial statements, key critical ratios, business valuations, intangibles and exit strategies. Each is a key element in the weekly-monthly-annual physical exam of your business.

Where the first blog is the foundation for all these that have followed, today's blog simply called, Financial Friday, will be the foundation for further study. And, these are the key resources and episodes, with their case studies, video clip and transcript that will be explored as deeply as possible.

In part, today's blog shall become a dialogue with you about the very nature of value, the process of creating value, the accumulation of value, the storage of value, and the ways you leverage that value throughout a lifetime.

Episode: Business Owner(s) - Brief explanation

1. Financial statements: Jim Schell - Jim walks us through his Financial Statement University. He believes every employee should be tracking key ratios. Every employee should have bottomline accountability. There are many other key case studies to be explored as well.

2. Business valuations and intangibles: This study began many years ago and it will continue for many more years. If 87% of your business valuation is tied up within your intangibles, we all have to understand what it takes to make those intangibles as part of your business valuation.

3. Exit Strategies: When do you begin thinking about an exit strategy? Today, many recommend that it being in the founding business plan. Before you begin, know how you'll exit. This episode is looks at eight exit strategies and from each, you can examine an entire episode for even more. Particularly, there are four special episodes to explore further:
  • Sell to someone like yourself, first focusing on the work of Jim Schell, Peter Schenck & Lorraine Miller, and then focusing on evolution of episodes over time with the founder of the business.
  • Sell to your employees through Employee-Stock Ownership ( ESOP)
  • Sell to publicly-traded companies
  • Sell to private equity capital through Reg D, Rule 504, 505, or 506
4. Financial Independence: Michael Novak opens the discussion to the largest issues within our life; that is how does a value creation reflect our belief statements and cultural systems.

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