Monday, February 4, 2008

A Projective Table of Contents

Sunday: Let us all look at the first principles that guide us. Are there core beliefs that all people might affirm, "This is true for all time and all people." Impossible? Maybe. But, then again, "maybe not." Can we afford to stop trying to find universals upon which we can agree?

How about the gravitational constant? How about periodic table of elements? Perhaps something simple should be considered, such as "Water is needed to support human life."

At this point, my starting point for Small Business School is here.

Monday: Let's look at Marketing and Money. So many people try to start a business with just a good idea and no money at all. Most of them are destined to go back to work within a job.

Tuesday: It is a day for Transactions. How is this site serving you? It is a day to sign up and to sell something of value. What can you sell from this website? First answer -- Your business. Next answer - your products and services.

Wednesday: What works?
Why? What is not working? Where are the next billion-dollar ideas? What new products and services are needed to make our society and our world work? Let's examine the nature of very nature of work.

Work is good; jobs often are not. We'll examine work in light of ethics, leadership, integrity and the meaning and value of life.

Thursday: It is a day for testing. It is theory and praxis (the practical), for new ideas, for creativity, for insights... How do you cultivate ideas? How do you cultivate your own and cultivate those of people around you?

Friday: A day for Finances -- Balance Statements and Profit/Loss -- in light of your Exit Strategy. Such a study necessarily involves business valuation, P/E for private businesses, your deeper fiscal policy, ownership, and key critical ratios from your Financial Statements.

Saturday: A day to study Systems because systems open up the study of first principles. The television show, the website and this blog are all about Continuous Improvement, always seeking a higher perfection. We will discover how such a commitment yields results.

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