Sunday, February 17, 2008

It is Sunday. Let us search for the source files of life, the first principles.

Source files of life? Nobody uses those terms. Do a web search on it. "Source files of life" renders zip. Nothing. Yet, there are about 5 million references to "source files." These are the deepest programs that make computers and software work. Back in the old days, such files were often written in Assembly language.

I like that thought. Assembly language is simple, just "0" and "1" arranged in groups of eight yet it opened up a new world for us all. It made computers work and work well.

In this column on Sundays, I'll dig deeper and deeper into the thought that there are source files for life. Assuredly they won't be written in Assembly language, but that language does give us some clues about the very basic structure of language and a relation. Just think what it means to create a language with just two numbers, the "0" and "1" arranged in groups of eight.

Many people will instantly disagree with me, however, I believe we have barely scratched the surface of understanding the deepest functionality of both numbers!

If you can take that as a given, one of my conclusions is that we have barely scratched the surface of those computer programs. Though considered a mature industry, I think both software and hardware are more like really smart teenagers still getting their act together. The next generation that is due to emerge, and I think it'll be sooner than later, will open us all up to a deeper dimensionality. And now with the worldwide web, that emergence will happen virtually overnight, within an instant -- virtually everywhere in the world at the same time.

Ubiquitous or omnipresent and rather omniscient. Hmmm...

The web does not have those source files for life...yet. Such files are coming. And then when we all begin to adopt them, we'll all emerge with a deeper understanding of who we are, where we came from, where we are going, and the meaning and value of our life (thank you, Immanuel Kant).

The focus of Small Business School is on those people who answer Kant's questions in such a way that they add real value to this world. I believe if you are not adding value, then you are dying. Value creation is one of the source files of life. And, when we create an excess of value, we have the beginning of a business. Those who create a lot of value and do it well should be studied. That is what is known as best practices and that is the singular purpose of Small Business School.

Let us tell the stories of those people who are reaching deep within themselves to understand the meaning and value of their own source files of life. None of us are perfect, but there are some of us who can inspire all of us to reach for a higher perfection.

Let us learn their names and know their stories.

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